Laura Knopp Art


You did all the things!

Good job! Now it’s time to pour yourself a delicious beverage, kick up your feet, and relax while I draw.

As a quick reminder, here’s what’s coming up next….

You’ll give me feedback

When I finish drawing your first proof, you get to see your portrait for the first time, yay! At this point you have 48 hours to let me know what you love and/or if anything needs to be tweaked for your first round of changes. Then, we'll decide if we need to use your additional round(s) of changes before I finalize your illustration.

Your final artwork will be sent to you :)

Once the portrait has been approved by you with a final message and a big smile, I will prep your final artwork and send it to you.

I’ll be in touch with your first proof! In the meantime, enjoy this adorable GIF of a panda sneezing :)


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