hip hip HOORAY!
You pre-ordered a portrait today :)
Congratulations on pre-ordering a custom portrait! This is about to be your new favorite work of art! Now, I know you’re waiting with bated breath to get this party started, so I’ll cut straight to the chase…
Here are your next 3 steps…
If you haven’t done so already, please email your photo(s) to laura@lauraknopp.com within 24 hours of your portrait purchase.
Your purchase comes with a complimentary, printable gift certificate. So, if you purchased this portrait as a present for a loved one, you will have something tangible for them right away, yay! Please click on one of the following links to download the gift certificate that applies to your type of portrait: Family Portrait, Home Portrait, Child Portrait, or Pet Portrait.
Fill out your short n’ sweet questionnaire: Go here for family/child/pet portraits. Go here for home portraits.