Laura Knopp Art


Spirituality. Intuition. A deep understanding.


Each Goddess Aura Type was given a specific color to represent a core aspect of divine feminine energy. Deep indigo was selected here to create a visual and emotional connection to the Mystic. This color reflects the mysteries of the cosmos and the exploration of unseen realms, inviting introspection and connection to higher consciousness.

In contrast to the Goddess Aura Types, your personal aura colors are dynamic and constantly shifting. Your individual aura can contain many different colors simultaneously based on your current mood, health, and spiritual well-being among other factors.


This Goddess Aura Type indicates that you have a deep inner wisdom and a strong connection to the unseen realms. In stories and myths around the world, the Mystic is frequently depicted as a seer or healer, endowed with the ability to access higher knowledge and guide others on their spiritual journeys.

In Egyptian mythology, Isis is often depicted as the wise and compassionate goddess of magic and fertility. As the Mystic, Isis embodies profound spiritual insight, possessing the ability to access hidden knowledge and guide others on their spiritual journeys. Her story involves resurrecting her husband Osiris and nurturing her son Horus, symbolizing the cycles of death, rebirth, and spiritual evolution. When Isis shares her wisdom and healing powers with humanity, she brings enlightenment and renewal, guiding souls toward greater understanding and connection with the divine.


Mystic Strengths

Intuitive abilities, deep understanding of the unseen, and the capacity to inspire transformation.


Mystic Challenges

Feeling disconnected from reality, susceptibility to escapism, difficulty in communicating experiences to others.



Your allure comes from your mystical charm and profound wisdom.

The Mystic brand is about creating an aura of mystery and enlightenment that captivates your audience.

The goal is to create a brand that not only offers products or services but also guides your customers on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. 

Your brand should resonate with customers on a deep, soulful level, making them feel connected to something greater.

Your ideal customer

Your ideal customers are individuals seeking spiritual growth, inner wisdom, and a deeper understanding of life. They are often on a quest for self-discovery and are drawn to the mystical and the profound.

Appealing to your ideal customer…

  • Use mysterious visuals like ancient symbols, mystical landscapes, or celestial phenomena that pull them in to explore realms beyond the ordinary. 

  • Highlight the spiritual significance and deeper meanings behind your offerings.

  • Use storytelling to evoke a sense of mystery and wonder. Talk about dreams, synchronicities, signs.

  • Personalize experiences to make customers feel part of a unique, spiritual journey.


Below are some simple yet powerful ways to create inner harmony and cultivate a radiant energy field based on your Mystic Goddess Aura Type…

Empowering Affirmation

Set aside a few minutes each morning to say this uplifting affirmation:

"I radiate the indigo aura of the Mystic, drawing on deep inner wisdom and spiritual insight. My intuitive guidance enables me to navigate challenges with clarity and discernment.”

The Crown Chakra

Your Mystic energy is aligned with the crown chakra, which is the center of enlightenment, spiritual connection, and cosmic consciousness. Meditate with the color indigo to activate your crown chakra. During meditation, visualize a vibrant indigo light enveloping you, focusing on your crown chakra to deepen your spiritual insights and connect with universal wisdom and intuition.

Owl Animal Guide

Owls are often associated with wisdom, intuition, and insight. Like the Mystic, they possess a deep understanding of the unseen realms and are guided by their intuitive senses. Owls symbolize the Mystic's connection to the divine and their ability to see beyond the surface of reality.

Incorporating a painting picture of an owl into your living space or workspace is a powerful way to harness the energy of the Mystic. Let the presence of the owl inspire you to tap into your intuitive senses and embrace your inner wisdom. Allow the image of the owl to remind you of the Mystic's connection to higher knowledge and the profound insights that lie beyond the surface of reality.


I'm Laura, an intuitive artist living in Charlotte, NC with my husband and our two rosy-cheeked little boys. My artwork explores themes of self-love, personal growth, and divine femininity.

Guiding women back to their true north is my passion.  

My intention behind creating the Goddess Aura Types is to help you feel more connected to your authentic self so that you can attract soulmate clients and aligned opportunities in a way that feels magical. 

My Goddess Aura Types are a blend of “The Enchantress” and “The Mystic”.



Please email me at


All photos, designs, content and writing in this listing are the property of Laura Knopp LLC © 2024. Plagiarism is not welcome and will not be tolerated.