Laura Knopp Art


Warmth. Compassion. Selflessness.

aura colors

Each Goddess Aura Type was given a specific color to represent a core aspect of divine feminine energy. Soft pink was selected here to create a visual and emotional connection to the Nurturer. This color reflects a caring attitude towards others, emphasizing emotional understanding and support.

In contrast to the Goddess Aura Types, your personal aura colors are dynamic and constantly shifting. Your individual aura can contain many different colors simultaneously based on your current mood, health, and spiritual well-being among other factors.

ABOUT THE Nurturer

This Goddess Aura Type indicates that you possess an immense capacity for nurturing and supporting others. The Nurturer is often portrayed as a compassionate, protective figure who seeks to provide comfort and stability to those around you.

In Greek mythology, Demeter is the nurturing goddess of motherhood and agriculture, ensuring the earth's abundant crops and fertile soil. Her sorrow over her daughter Persephone's abduction by Hades caused the crops to wither. Eventually, she's able to reunite with Persephone for half the year (spring and summer), as long as Persephone spends the other half in the underworld (fall and winter). This cycle allows Demeter time to care for others and time to replenish her own energy.


Nurturer Strengths

Unconditional love, nurturing abilities, and a strong sense of responsibility and protection.


Nurturer Challenges

Tendency to overextend oneself, difficulty in practicing self-care, and potential for being overly protective or controlling.



As a Nurturer, your caring nature, reliability, and ability to create a sense of safety and belonging is what makes you magnetic.

It’s about more than just offering products or services; it’s about creating a nurturing environment where customers feel cared for and valued.

The aim is to create a brand that resonates with customers on a deep, emotional level, making them feel supported and secure in their connection with your brand.

Your ideal customer

Your ideal customers are individuals who value family, stability, and a sense of belonging. They seek products or services that enhance their well-being and that of their loved ones.

Appealing to your ideal customer…

  • Highlight the nurturing, caring aspects of your offerings. 

  • Use messaging that emphasizes support, safety, and community. 

  • Create a warm, welcoming atmosphere that makes customers feel like part of a family.

  • Showcase your dedication to providing personalized care and attention


Below are some simple yet powerful ways to create inner harmony and cultivate a radiant energy field based on your Nurturer Goddess Aura Type…

Empowering Affirmation

Set aside a few minutes each morning to say this uplifting affirmation:

"I radiate the soft pink aura of the Nurturer, embracing unconditional love and compassion. My empathetic nature provides comfort and care, fostering deep connections with my community.”

The Heart Chakra

Meditate with the soothing hues of soft pink to activate your heart chakra (the 4th chakra). Your Nurturer energy is intricately connected to the heart chakra, which serves as the epicenter of love, compassion, empathy, and forgiveness. Envision a gentle pink light surrounding you during meditation, directing your focus towards your heart chakra. Allow this serene pink glow to deepen your connection with universal love and kindness, fostering emotional balance and harmony within.

Bear Animal Guide

Bears symbolize strength, protection, and nurturing. They embody The Nurturer’s protective nature, her ability to provide and care for her loved ones, and her strength in times of adversity. 

Embrace this connection by incorporating bear symbolism into your living space or workspace. Invite the protective and nurturing energy of bears by adorning your surroundings with paintings, photos, or figurines of these majestic creatures. Allow their presence to serve as a gentle reminder of the nurturing qualities within you, guiding you on your path with strength, compassion, and resilience.


I'm Laura, an intuitive artist living in Charlotte, NC with my husband and our two rosy-cheeked little boys. My artwork explores themes of self-love, personal growth, and divine femininity.

Guiding women back to their true north is my passion.  

My intention behind creating the Goddess Aura Types is to help you feel more connected to your authentic self so that you can attract soulmate clients and aligned opportunities in a way that feels magical. 

My Goddess Aura Types are a blend of “The Enchantress” and “The Mystic”.



Please email me at


All photos, designs, content and writing in this listing are the property of Laura Knopp LLC © 2024. Plagiarism is not welcome and will not be tolerated.